Make and model
Fryette Powerstation PS-1 6L6 50W
This is a poweramp only capture set, you require another neural amp modeler instance to insert preamp simulations in fron of it to get the standard preamp/poweramp experience. Poweramp capture set of my Fryette Powersattion PS-1 with a 50W 6L6GC powersection. The switches were set to "Edge" and "Deep" throughout all the various settings. All captures were trained with the standard mode and at least 1500 epochs. NAM Trainer version 0.7.3, with the latest V3 training signal, was used. Very low ESR ratings across the board (<0.006). The first number denotes the volume setting, the second denotes the presence and the third the depth setting. The Suhr Reactive Load, Walrus Audio Canvas Reamp Box and the UA Apollo X8 interface were used to make this capture set. Signal chain calibration value: +12.4dB
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