
[96KHz, 48KHz] My 'Go-To' British overdrive tone (send 19.488 dBu / return 13.688 dBu)

6 modelsNAM
4 months ago
Make and model

Ceriatone Molecular 50W


If you like my work & want to support it, you can do so here: My "Go-To" / baseline British overdrive tone trained in 96KHz and 48Khz with all architectures. Reamped with a real cab (Mesa 4x12 OS Rectifier Straight) load. Trained with NAM v0.10.0 using the new methodology Steve published: • SEND level: 19.488 dBu • RETURN level: 13.688 dBu No need to worry about the above values (SEND / RETURN) anymore - just use NAM plugin v0.7.12 (or later) with the "Calibrate Input" feature. Key in your input headroom / maximum input gain inside the "Calibrate Input" textbox and the NAM plugin will do all the math to get profiles to behave as if you were plugging into the real gear itself. Reamp chain details: -------------------- • RME Fireface UCX II -> Lehle P-SPLIT III -> Tube Amp (50W) -> St.Rock React:IR II (with Mesa 4x12 Oversized Straight in the THROUGH port) -> RME Fireface UCX II Additional details: ------------------- • Pure amp tube distortion, no diode clipping or pedals used. • Requires a cabinet IR. I used the York Audio "YA MES 412 TRAD Mix 01.wav" IR when dialing in the tones • Trained in 96KHz with the matching STANDARD architecture. ESR = 0.004998 • Trained in 48Khz with all architectures (STANDARD, LITE, FEATHER, NANO thanks to and an increased one (STANDARD+, trained locally) • ESR (accuracy; lower is better) values: -- STANDARD+ = 0.00327 -- STANDARD = 0.0048 -- LITE = 0.0074 -- FEATHER = 0.0128 -- NANO = 0.0316 • Reamped with a real cabinet loading the output transformer of the amp; behaves exactly like the real deal • Great video on how to use the calibration (dBu) value: • JYSK make some great weighted blankets - great for soundproofing too 😂



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